Take advantage of our "Summer Sale", enjoy our best price on our Short Sleeve shirts.

Yes, It Is a Lifestyle

It has been said that “Personal defense is a lifestyle, not a hobby.” Sometimes the fight will come to you at your place of worship, while shopping with the family or when out on a nice dinner with your partner. Our goal is to help make sure that you are “Always Carrying”, blending in locations that permit it.

Beginners are often told that after selecting a carry handgun and a gun belt the next thing, they need to do is to change wardrobe. Tarnkappe Gear is here to challenge that old way of thinking, you do not have to change how you dress just because you carry. Tarnkappe Gear apparel allows you to dress for success, making sure you look good while you carry. We make long sleeve and short sleeve shirts that will allow you to blend in any environment.